Like me, he is a hands on worker and always stays busy learning new skills and working on projects that test his talent. Still a senior in high school, he has taught himself some of the most valuable of trades on his own. From auto mechanics, wood working, farming, gun building, welding, you name it.
He is just about to graduate and trying to get himself into welding school, that he is paying for himself. We all know how tough it can be to get through school and working full time, so he started his own Etsy shop to make a little extra money getting some more practice with welding by making cool hand crafted decor. I really want him to be able to complete school, something I was not able to do. He is passionate about the things he loves, hard working, and driven, which I find to be very rare in kids his age now a days. Take a look! In addition he is really good at creating custom work, so if you have any request feel free to send him a message!
He is just about to graduate and trying to get himself into welding school, that he is paying for himself. We all know how tough it can be to get through school and working full time, so he started his own Etsy shop to make a little extra money getting some more practice with welding by making cool hand crafted decor. I really want him to be able to complete school, something I was not able to do. He is passionate about the things he loves, hard working, and driven, which I find to be very rare in kids his age now a days. Take a look! In addition he is really good at creating custom work, so if you have any request feel free to send him a message!