Friday, October 7, 2016

Halloween Pen Pal &a Craft Swap!

Hey guys!
I like to do this every year, and it's always a lot of fun and a way I have made a lot of long lasting friendships from people all over the world!
Basically, if you are interested we converse through email and decide if we are going to simply write to one another or do a gift swap. Then we agree on a number of handmade or small store bought gifts that we send each other ( just so the swap of fair, although I tend to send way more either way :)!), then we choose a date when we will have our packages sent in the mail by. The theme is obviously fall/Halloween, and you can send anything from Dollar Tree gifts, handmade gifts, paintings, letters, cards, whatever you want, and then be sure to share when you get your package.
If you are interested, email me:, Subject: Fall Swap
I'm super excited for this year's swap and to make new friends :)!

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